Atlantic International Research Centre
The AIR CENTRE is a long-term platform for scientific, technology, and economic cooperation across and along the Atlantic based on existing research capacities and infrastructures.
The AIR CENTRE will allow the development of ideas, policies, research programmes and projects within the context of the Atlantic Ocean. Via joint actions, and the alignment of national priorities and global challenges, it will benefit the society at large, in particular those connected to the Atlantic Ocean.
Ismaili Imamat
Knowledge for Development
A protocol for cooperation in science and technology between the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Ismaili Imamat was signed on May 2016.
The protocol aims at promoting knowledge sharing and cooperative research efforts with Africa to the benefit of its people welfare, particularly the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP).
Through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) a Call was launched in 2017 (16 projects, 4.6 M€ awarded).
GO Portugal
Global Science and Technology Partnership Portugal
GoPORTUGAL promotes innovation and the internationalisation of Portuguese higher education institutions, research performing organisations, and companies through strategic collaborations with leading foreign organisations.
These include the Massachusetts Institute of Technhology, the Carneggie Mellon University, the University of Texas at Austin, or the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
GoPORTUGAL aims at attracting private financing with a perspective of economic development to create qualified jobs, and to bring to Portugal people of recognised international merit.